2376 STATE ROUTE 940 HWY, Freeland, PA 18224, United States
Phone numbers: +1 570 636 3171 | 800# 1-800-435-8888
Fax: +1 570 636 5340
Driving / GPS Address: 100 Centre Street, Freeland, PA 18224
On the east coast of the United States, in Pennsylvania, immersed in the fresh, dry air of the Pocono Mountains, we produce a wide range of cured, cooked, bulk and sliced products in respect of the Italian tradition and the experience we have been building in our multiple factories in Italy. We bring this knowledge and experience to the US factory to create many Italian specialties in one location and provide local US consumers with traditional italian deli products.
Encompassed in forested peaks, lakes and valleys, the Pocono Mountain region was the ideal location to build an Italian specialty factory, because of the fresh-dry mountain air, so the Citterio family selected Freeland to establish this location in 1974 and is continually committed to the region.
Citterio USA offers all a wide-range of Italian products to the US with the commitment of respecting the centuries old traditions of our company, which is committed to quality
Find out what we make here Back to Origin2376 STATE ROUTE 940 HWY, Freeland, PA 18224, United States
Phone numbers: +1 570 636 3171 | 800# 1-800-435-8888
Fax: +1 570 636 5340
Driving / GPS Address: 100 Centre Street, Freeland, PA 18224