This recipe is made with
Bresaola Fresco
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Sandwich, Fall Recipes

Mango-flavoured buckwheat eggy bread stuffed with bresaola and avocado

120 min Easy
Recipe By
Federico Quaglia


  • 2 thick slices of buckwheat bread
  • 2 slices of avocado
  • 40 g bresaola
  • 1/2 ripe mango
  • 1 egg
  • salt and pepper


  1. Close the avocado slices in the bresaola. Cut the bread and stuff it with bresaola and avocado.
  2. Blend mango with egg, salt and pepper. Soak the bread until both sides of the slice are wet. In a non-stick pan, toast the bread that, hot, will cook the egg.
  3. Serve the bresaola sandwich, cutting the slices in order to show the filling.
Buon appetito ;-)
This recipe is made with
Bresaola Fresco
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