This recipe is made with
Prosciutto San Daniele
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Stuffed paccheri gratin with San Daniele ham and tomato concasse

440 min Medium
Recipe By
Federico Quaglia


  • 240 g paccheri pasta
  • 240 g cubes of San Daniele ham
  • 1 minced onion
  • 8 slices of San Daniele ham
  • 4 bunch tomatoes
  • 120 g béchamel sauce
  • 120 g parmesan


  1. At first, boil the paccheri in plenty of salted water and drain them “al dente”.
  2. Stri-fry the cubes of San Daniele ham with onion and tomato cubes; then, stirring, add the béchamel sauce and the parmesan.
  3. With a pastry bag, stuff the paccheri and place them vertically on a sheet pan, creating four shapes with the slices of San Daniele ham. Tie them with cooking twine.
  4. Bake the paccheri for 10 minutes at 195°C.
  5. Top with pepper and serve the paccheri gratin with tomato cubes on each serving plate.
Buon appetito ;-)
This recipe is made with
Prosciutto San Daniele
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