This recipe is made with
Speck Fresco
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Appetiser, Gluten Free, Fall Recipes

Scallops, Crispy Speck, mushrooms and mashed potatoes

440 min Medium
Recipe By
Federico Quaglia


  • 240 g bresaola
  • 160 g raw Mediterranean red prawns
  • 80 g heart of palm
  • 120 g mâche
  • 60 ml olive oil
  • 30 ml lemon juice
  • 80 g mustard


  1. Boil potatoes in plenty of salted water. When they are soft, mash them using a potato ricer and, when they are still hot, beat them with hot cream and melted butter with a whisk, adding parmesan from time to time.
  2. Then, put the speck on a plate and bake it to make it crispy.
  3. In the meantime, cook the scallops in a pan with garlic, mushrooms, rosemary, a trickle of oil, salt and pepper.
  4. To serve, alternate scallops with crispy speck, purée flakes and sautéed mushrooms.
Buon appetito ;-)
This recipe is made with
Speck Fresco
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