This recipe is made with
Bresaola Fresco
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Light Recipes, Sandwich

Rye and anise brown bread, bresaola, robiola cheese, lemon marmalade and balsamic vinegar

110 min Easy
Recipe By
Federico Quaglia


  • 3 slices of rye and anise brown bread
  • 80 g bresaola
  • 30 g robiola cheese
  • 15 g lemon marmalade
  • 5 ml balsamic vinegar


  1. Slightly toast the brown bread in the oven to make it crispy on the surface.
  2. On one slice, put bresaola and some drops of balsamic vinegar. On the upper slice, spread robiola cheese and lemon marmalade.
  3. Serve the bresaola sandwich with a spoon of balsamic vinegar next to it.
Buon appetito ;-)
This recipe is made with
Bresaola Fresco
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