This recipe is made with
Prosciutto San Daniele
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Combination, Winter Recipes

Canapé of San Daniele ham, quince marmalade and grilled onion

420 min Easy
Recipe By
Federico Quaglia


  • 240 g San Daniele ham
  • 12 slices of wholewheat bread
  • 1 small jar of quince marmalade
  • 1 white onion


  1. Cut the onion into thin slices and cook them on a hot gridiron.
  2. With a pastry cutter, cut the bread and toast it. If you wish so, use different kinds of bread.
  3. Finally, create your canapés by spreading a teaspoon of quince marmalade on a slice of bread and adding the slice of San Daniele ham and the grilled onion.
Buon appetito ;-)
This recipe is made with
Prosciutto San Daniele
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