This recipe is made with
Genoa Salame
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Light Recipes, Sandwich, Springtime Picnic

5-cereal bread, light salami, grilled courgettes flavoured with mint and basil, light mayonnaise aromatised with orange and yogurt

120 min Easy
Recipe By
Federico Quaglia


  • 5-cereal bocconcino bread
  • 80 g light salami
  • 1 courgette
  • yogurt mayonnaise
  • 1 orange


  1. Cut courgettes into thin slices, grill them and, when they are still hot, marinate them in olive oil, mint and basil.
  2. Flavour yogurt mayonnaise with orange peel and juice.
  3. Stuff bread with grilled courgettes and salami. Serve this salami sandwich with mayonnaise sauce aside.
Buon appetito ;-)
This recipe is made with
Genoa Salame
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