This recipe is made with
Prosciutto San Daniele
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Light Recipes, Combination, Gluten Free, Fall Recipes

San Daniele ham, soft fruits and honey chestnuts salad matched with a juniper infusion

420 min Easy
Recipe By
Federico Quaglia


  • 240 g San Daniele ham
  • 200 g mixed soft fruits
  • 80 g cooked chestnuts with honey glaze
  • 15 g juniper


  1. Boil 500 ml of water and add roughly crushed juniper. Turn off the burner and let the infusion rest for some minutes.
  2. Distribute all the ingredients of the San Daniele ham recipe as you wish and serve with the filtered juniper infusion.
Buon appetito ;-)
This recipe is made with
Prosciutto San Daniele
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